Saturday, November 10, 2012

Market Booked!

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce that I have secured our booking for the Ferocious Mingle Marcade for the 8th of December, despite the fact we are still shy of the booking fee. If you have not yet contributed, please see me or Emma.

By now, you should be well on your way to finalizing your design selection, sourcing and costing your supplies, and finding comparable items for analysis. Remember to bring your supplies to class on Monday, as we will be making, as well as planning.

A good place to go for inspiration and comparison is etsy:

Etsy: online Handmade Marketplace

Remember to document items, including materials, processes used, and price. Items you have sourced for comparison analysis purposes will be part of your submission.

See you all on Monday!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Mid Term

Hi all,

I hope you all have enjoyed the Mid-Term break as much as I have. Now that the weekend is here, my thoughts are moving forward towards Monday....and I can't wait to see what you all have come up with for our class sale! Remember to bring in your proposals (see handout), which we will critique together. I'll also be bringing a few books for inspiration, which may help some of you to refine your ideas. We will be planning and making in class for the next 4 weeks coming up to the date of the event, on the 8th  of December.

Now, I have not as yet secured our place at the 'Mingle', as we are still short of funds. Make sure you see me about this issue, so we can book asap!

I saw a few of you at the Illustrated Beatles opening at the Grand Social, featuring work from our very own Margaret Ann Suggs - great art, great night.

With Design Week starting the 5th, you should be able to find some more inspiration around and about town. The Brainbelt Illustration Collective looks particularly interesting, with disciplines varying from sculpture, print, and multimedia. At Filmbase, Curved Street, Temple Bar, 5th-11th.

See you all Monday.