Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome to the AIH2 Blog!

We will all be embarking on a journey which takes us into new territory - the territory of e-commerce. 
To help us with this experience, we will all start and maintain our own blogs, experimenting with both the expected and the unexpected potential of this format.

Why blog?
  • Personal development - writing, communicating, commitment
  • Global exposure - people will find you
  • Make connections - from like minded people to business opportunities
  • Show your true personality
  • Cost effectiveness - free to set up and run with earning potential
  • Link your blog to your Etsy page, email address or mobile device
  • Stand out from the crowd
    To begin, look at some blogs related to your area of interest.  For example, google 'art student blogs', comics, illustrators &etc.  Visit 5 blog pages and document them.  Write a list, and then jot down what you found helpful, which styles you responded to, which included interesting and relevant links, which were regularly updated. 

    Next, look at free templates.  I recommend Blogger or WordPress.  Play around with the templates until you find one which appeals to you.  Set yourself up following the prompts, and you're off and running! 

    Through your blog, you will be able to document your journey as a student in your final year of the Illustration HND.  You will also be able to upload digital files and video which will support your writing.